1. Definitions |
1.1 In these rules, unless
the contrary intention appears:
means the Casino Control Act 1992;
means the New South Wales Casino Control Authority;
promotional token or voucher" means a token or voucher
issued by the casino operator to enable the player to have
one free wager at a gaming table in the amount identified on the
token or voucher. Promotional tokens and vouchers wagered at
a table are forfeited after a round of play whether the wager
wins or loses. If the wager wins, the
player is to be paid the winnings
in chips;
supervisor" means a person employed in a casino in a
managerial capacity relating to the
conduct of gaming and includes a
games supervisor;
"community cards"
means two cards dealt face down to the dealer
which ultimately constitute the fourth and fifth card of each
player�s hand in a round of play;
means a person responsible for the operation of the game;
"game supervisor"
means a person responsible for the immediate
supervision of the operation of the game;
means five cards, constituting the three cards dealt to each
player and the two community cards;
means a person appointed under section 106 of the Act;
"let it ride"
means a decision by a player not to retrieve a part of
his/her wager that may be withdrawn in accordance with rules 8.3
and 8.4;
"round of play"
means the period of play commencing with the removal
of the first card from the card shoe or shuffling device by the
dealer and concluding when the dealer announces a result and
after collecting any losing wagers, pays out winning wagers;
device" means a card shuffling machine approved by
the Authority for use in the game of Let It Ride;
means invalid with no result.
2. Table
Layout and Equipment |
2.1 The game of Let it
Ride shall be played at a table having on one side places for the
players and on the opposite side a place for the dealer.
2.2 The layout cloth
covering the table shall be marked in a manner substantially
similar to that shown in diagram "A"
2.2.1 playing areas
designated for seven players, with each playing area having:
- three
wagering areas marked by the symbols "$",
"2" and "1";
inscriptions showing the payout schedule;
2.2.2 two designated
areas directly in front of the dealer for the placement of
the community cards; and
2.2.3 the name
and/or logo of the casino imprinted thereon.
2.3 The following
equipment shall also be used:
2.3.1 either a card
shoe capable of holding a single deck of cards, or a shuffling
device capable of holding two individual decks of cards, from
which the cards shall be dealt; and
2.3.2 a discard
rack, capable of holding a single deck of cards, which shall be
attached 2.4 The table shall have a drop box attached to it.
3. The
Cards |
3.1 The game of Let It
Ride shall be played with one deck of cards, having 52 cards
without jokers, with backs of the same color and design and a
cutting card.
3.2 When a shuffling
device is in use at a table:
3.2.1 the device may
be loaded with one deck of cards while another deck
of cards is used in play; and
3.2.2 the backs of
the deck of cards being used in play must be of a different
color to that of the backs of the other deck of cards in
the shuffling device.
3.3 All suits have the
same rank. The rank of cards, from highest to lowest, shall be
as follows:
3.3.1 ace, king,
queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, except as provided
in rule 11.1.6
where the ace may be counted low.
3.4 Cards shall be
checked by a dealer or a game supervisor prior to use on a gaming
3.5 All cards used in
the game of Let It Ride shall be dealt from a card shoe or shuffling
device specifically designed for such purpose.
Cards may, at the discretion of a casino supervisor, be changed
after any round of play if, for
any reason, a card or cards become unfit for further use. If
all the cards are replaced, the new cards shall be checked, shuffled
and cut in accordance with these
3.7 A game supervisor or
an inspector may, at any time, instruct the dealer to check
and verify the number of cards.
4. The
Shuffle and Cut |
- 4.1
The dealer shall
shuffle the cards so that they are randomly intermixed:
4.1.1 immediately
prior to the start of play;
4.1.2 at the
completion of each round of play; or
4.1.3 immediately
prior to the recommencement of play following any period that
the table has been vacant.
4.2 When a card shoe is
used, after the cards have been shuffled the dealer shall cut
the cards, place them on the cutting card, and then insert all the
cards in the card shoe for
commencement of play.
4.3 No
person other than the dealer shall cut the cards.
4.4 Where a shuffling
device is used, the operation of rules 4.1 to 4.3
inclusive are amended to the
extent necessary for the following to have effect:-
4.4.1 cards shall be
placed in the shuffling device to be shuffled;
4.4.2 the cards
shall not be cut; and
4.4.3 the shuffling
device takes the place of the card shoe.
5. Wagers |
5.1 All wagers shall be
placed by means of chips and/or casino promotional tokens
or vouchers.
5.2 A
player wishing to participate in a round of play must place three
equal but separate wagers on the
appropriate wagering area marked "$", "2" and
"1" prior to the first
card being dealt for each round of play.
5.3 All wagers shall be
placed prior to the dealer announcing "no more
5.4 No wager shall be
made, increased, or withdrawn after the dealer has announced
"no more bets", except in accordance with rule 8.
5.5 A player shall not
wager on more than one hand in any round of play.
5.6 Only one player may
wager at any one playing area in any round of play.
6. Minimum
and Maximum Wagers |
6.1 The minimum and
maximum wagers permitted on each playing area shall be shown
on a sign at the table. Unless stated on the sign, wagers are not
required to be made in multiples of the
minimum. The sign may also state the
minimum unit in which wagers may be made above the table minimum.
6.2 Any wager less than
the stated minimum or greater than the stated maximum
made by a player and not rejected prior to the first card being
dealt for a round of play may be treated
as a valid wager subject to rules 12.9
and 12.10.
6.3 A casino supervisor
may alter the limits on a gaming table at any time except that
a minimum wager can only be changed to a higher minimum if a sign
indicating the new minimum and proposed
time of change has been displayed
at the table at least 20 minutes before the change.
7. The
Deal |
7.1 All cards shall be
dealt face downwards.
7.2 Immediately prior to
the commencement of a round of play and after all wagers
are placed, the dealer shall:
7.2.1 announce
"no more bets"; and
7.2.2 starting from
his/her left and continuing clockwise around the table, deal the
7.3 When a card shoe is
in use, the cards shall be dealt in the following manner:
7.3.1 one card face
down to each playing area containing wagers; and
7.3.2 then, in
sequence, a second and third card face down to each playing
area containing wagers; and
7.3.3 one card face
down to each of the two areas designated for the community
7.4 When a shuffling
device is in use, the cards shall be dealt in the following manner:
7.4.1 a stack of
three cards dispensed by the device, face down to each playing
area containing wagers; and
7.4.2 a stack of
three cards dispensed by the device, face down to the area
in front of the dealer; and
7.4.3 the top card
of the stack in front of the dealer shall be placed undisclosed
into the discard rack.
8. Betting
Round |
8.1 After the cards have
been dealt, the players may pick up their cards and examine them.
8.2 Each player shall be
required to keep his/her three cards in full view of the dealer
at all times and must ensure that they are held in a manner that
does not disclose to other
players their value.
After each player has examined his/her cards the dealer shall,
beginning from the dealer�s
left, ask each player to indicate whether the player wishes to
8.3.1 withdraw the
wager placed on the wagering area marked "1", by
having it removed and returned by
the dealer; or
8.3.2 let the wager
The dealer shall then turn the first community card face up after
which the dealer shall then, in
accordance with rule 8.3, obtain a decision from
each player in respect of his/her wager placed on the wagering area
marked "2".
8.5 The decision made by
each player in regard to his/her wager on the wagering
area marked "2" may be made irrespective of the player�s
decision made in regard to the
wager on the wagering area marked "1".
8.6 After each player
has indicated a decision in regard to the wager on the wagering
area marked "2" the dealer shall then turn the second
community card face up.
8.7 The two community
cards and the three cards dealt to each player shall form the
five card hand of each player.
8.8 The dealer shall
examine the cards of each player to determine if the player has
a hand that qualifies for a payout pursuant to rule 10.
8.9 A player�s wager
on the wagering area marked "$" is not subject to rules 8.3
and 8.4.
8.10 If a player chooses
to let a wager ride, that wager remains on the appropriate wagering
area of the layout until final settlement is completed.
8.11 Should a player at
any stage of the game have a winning hand, in accordance
with rule 10, he/she may place his/her cards under his/her wager
on the wagering area marked "$", thereby indicating an
intention to let all remaining
wagers ride.
9. Final
Settlement |
9.1 A player�s hand,
in order to qualify for a payout, must contain a pair of 10s,
or better.
9.2 The dealer shall
examine the cards of each player�s hand and then:
9.2.1 collect the
wagers for those hands which do not qualify for a payout;
9.2.2 pay the wagers
for those hands which contain a pair of 10s, or better, in
accordance with rule 10.
9.3 After the dealer
collects or pays wagers, the dealer shall collect the cards and
place them in the discard rack.
9.4 The dealer shall be
responsible for declaring the optimum value of the hands in
accordance with rule 11.
10. Settlement
Odds |
10.1 Winning wagers at
the game of Let it Ride shall be paid at the odds listed below:
Wager |
Odds |
A Pair of 10s or
better |
1 to 1 |
Pair |
to 1 |
3 of a Kind |
3 to 1 |
Straight |
to 1 |
Flush |
8 to 1 |
House |
to 1 |
4 of a Kind |
50 to 1 |
Flush |
to 1 |
Royal Flush |
1,000 to 1 |
10.2 The odds for wagers
shall be subject to any maximum payout set by the casino operator.
The amount of such maximum payout shall be approved by the Authority
and shall be displayed on a notice at the table.
11. Order
of Hand Values |
- 11.1
The order of
hands, highest to lowest is as follows:
11.1.1 Royal Flush
is a hand containing an ace, king, queen, jack and
10 of the same suit.
11.1.2 Straight
Flush is a hand containing five cards of the same suit in
consecutive ranking.
11.1.3 4 of a Kind
is a hand containing four cards of the same rank.
11.1.4 Full House is
a hand containing "3 of a Kind" and "One
11.1.5 Flush is a
hand containing five cards of the same suit but
not in consecutive ranking.
11.1.6 Straight is a
hand containing five cards of consecutive rank regardless
of suit. An ace may count high or low.
11.1.7 3 of a Kind
is a hand containing three cards of the same rank.
11.1.8 Two Pair is a
hand containing two pairs.
11.1.9 One Pair is a
hand containing two cards of the same rank.
11.1.10 Five odd
cards is a hand containing five cards of different rank and
at least two suits.
12. Irregularities |
12.1 Where a dealer
realises, prior to any player handling their cards, that cards have
been dealt incorrectly, the dealer shall declare a misdeal.
12.2 An incorrect number
of cards dealt to the dealer's hand shall constitute a misdeal.
12.3 Two or more cards
incorrectly exposed during the deal shall constitute a misdeal.
12.4 In the event of a
misdeal all wagers shall be void and a new round of play shall
be dealt.
12.5 Where an exposed
card is dealt it shall not constitute a misdeal. The dealer shall
turn the card over and continue dealing, subject to rule 12.6.
If a community card is exposed in error during the deal it shall
constitute a misdeal and all
wagers shall be void and a new round of play shall be dealt, except
that play will continue if a community card is exposed in error
after the players have handled
their cards.
12.7 A player�s hand
containing too few cards or too many cards shall be declared
12.8 Where a dealer
realises, after a player has handled his/her cards, that a hand
has been dealt to a playing area that does not contain a wager the
cards for that hand shall be counted and placed in the discard rack.
If, prior to a player handling his/her cards , the dealer becomes
aware that a wager does not
comply with rule 5.2., the player must, upon
12.9.1 correct the
wager on wagering areas 1, 2 or $ within the stated table
minimums and maximums in order to comply with rule 5.2;
12.9.2 fold,
whereupon the dealer shall collect the cards and return the
wager made.
If, subsequent to a player handling his/her cards the dealer becomes
aware that a wager does not
comply with rule 5.2, the player must upon
request correct the wager
accordingly. Should the player fail to correct the wager, he/she
may be precluded from further participation in the game.
12.11 Where a player or
players are suspected of viewing another player�s cards or collecting
information from other active or non-active players, a casino
supervisor may:
12.11.1 direct the
player or players concerned to play their hand prior to other
players handling their cards before the dealer shows the first
community card; or
12.11.2 restrict
players suspected of collusion from playing together at the
same table; or
12.11.3 direct the
players on a table to speak English at all times; or
12.11.4 direct that
a player or players be precluded from playing.
12.12 Where a player,
who makes a wager in accordance with rule 5.2,
has not viewed his/her cards and
is not present to make a decision in regard to the cards
dealt to that playing area, that hand shall become void and the
wager returned.
12.13 Where a player has
viewed his/her cards and is not present to make a decision,
in regard to the cards dealt to that playing area, in accordance
with rule 8.3
and/or rule 8.4 the wager or wagers remaining
will be treated as Let it Ride,
with that player accepting responsibility for any subsequent result.
13. Shuffling
Device Malfunction |
13.1 Where a shuffling
device jams, stops intermixing cards during a shuffle or fails
to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
13.2 Where it becomes
evident, in a round of play for which one or more cards have
been dealt, that the shuffling device is no longer capable of
operating in the way it is
intended to operate:
13.2.1 that round of
play shall be declared void; and
13.2.2 the game
shall be continued with another shuffling device or a card
shoe and using new cards, subject to rule 3.6.
14. General
Provisions |
14.1 A person shall not,
either alone or in concert with any other person, use or control at
or near a gaming table or location related to the playing of a game
a calculator, computer, or other
electronic, electrical or mechanical apparatus
or device that is capable, with respect to a game or a part thereof,
of recording, projecting, analyzing or
transmitting an outcome or changing probabilities
or the playing strategies to be used.
14.2 Rule 14.1 shall not
apply to use or control by an agent or employee of the casino
operator or an inspector where such person is acting in the course
of their duty.
14.3 Where a casino
supervisor is satisfied that a person has contravened any provision
of rule 14.1, he/she may:
14.3.1 declare that
any wager made by the person is void; or
14.3.2 direct that
the person shall be excluded from further participation in
the game; or
14.3.3 exclude the
person from the casino in line with the provisions of section
79 of the Act; or
14.3.4 cause the
person(s) in possession of a prohibited device to be detained
until such time as an inspector or a
police officer has attended and
assumed responsibility for the situation.
A casino supervisor may invalidate the outcome of a game if:
14.4.1 the game is
disrupted by civil commotion, fire, riot, brawl, robbery, an
Act of God; or
14.4.2 any
fraudulent act is perpetrated by any person that, in the opinion
of the casino supervisor, affects the outcome of the game.
14.5 Where the outcome
of a game is invalidated under rule 14.4, all
wagers made by the players for
that particular result may be refunded provided that a
casino supervisor may direct that the wager of any player referred
to in rule 14.4.2 be forfeited.
14.6 A player shall not
be advised by an employee of the casino on how to play, except
to ensure compliance with these rules.
14.7 No spectator or any
player wagering at any table may, unless requested by a player,
attempt to influence or offer advice to that player regarding that
player's decisions of play.
14.8 A casino supervisor
may close a gaming table at which players are present provided
a sign showing the proposed time of closure has been displayed at
the table for at least 20 minutes before
the closure.
14.9 A player who
abstains from placing any wagers for three consecutive rounds
of play, while all other seats or
positions at the table are in use, may be required
to vacate his/her seat or position.
14.10 Players and
spectators are not permitted to have side bets with or against
each other.
14.11 Any dispute or
complaint concerning a casino game shall be referred for decision
in the first instance to a game supervisor, subject to a review (if
requested) by a casino supervisor. The
decision of the casino supervisor shall
be final, subject to rule 14.12.
Complainants in all unresolved disputes shall be advised of the
presence of, and their right to
consult, an inspector. Where a complainant requests review
of the decision by an inspector, the inspector shall investigate the
complaint in accordance with section 110
of the Act.
14.13 A copy of these
rules shall be made available for inspection upon request.
Diagram A
Let it Ride Layout
